Thorn or tribulation?

2 Corinthians 12:7 (AMP) Because of the surpassing greatness and extraordinary nature of the revelations [which I received from God], for this reason, to keep me from thinking of myself as important, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan, to torment and harass me—to keep me from exalting myself!
No single person would be justified in thinking highly of themselves because of the impartations they have received from God. Without him, there would be none, or a next breath for that matter, and this was a concept that Paul readily grasped. Yet we find God allowed a thorn in his flesh to keep him from boasting about heavenly experiences. This illustrates that even divine revelations of the Lord do not correct the flesh in us. The details of the thorn are not disclosed, so we might feel kinship with Paul’s suffering. While our thorns may differ from Paul’s, they should produce the same fruits.
While Satan attempted to hinder Paul’s work—the thorn in the flesh was a “messenger of Satan, to torment me“—God is more powerful and would use it to further his work. This may show that successful service for Christ depends on the servant’s weakness. Paul prayed for the thorn to be removed, and while his prayer was answered, it was not as he expected. God would continue to use the thorn for his glory but strengthen his servant to handle it.
However, confusion can arise if we are unsure whether we are dealing with a thorn or a tribulation. Each was caused or allowed by God because to believe otherwise implies that another power does not need his approval to enter our lives. So, we must understand what we are dealing with in our situations. Are we experiencing turbulence because God keeps us humble, or is it something else, such as self-inflicted or a spiritual attack? Knowing the difference is necessary because it can influence how we respond to what is happening.
“God, if this is you keeping me humble as you use me, I submit and pray for your strength to endure the thorns. But, if I have done something that displeases you, please take it out of me and replace it with a stronger desire to serve you. However, if this is a spiritual attack, I pray that you dispatch your heavenly resources to fight on my behalf, as I trust you will deliver me completely!”
This is good🙌🏽