Memorialized deliverance
You can almost hear God saying, “You heard what the man said!” as Adam named the things God created.
You can almost hear God saying, “You heard what the man said!” as Adam named the things God created.
If you speak to your mountain by faith and trust that Jesus will perform the works, you will see them crumble before you.
God has already been where you are headed and knows what you will need and exactly when you will need it; provision has already been made!
Hear these words, weary traveler, if you are facing hardship in your life right now stop everything and begin to worship.
“That the power of Christ may rest upon me” reminds us that if we rejoice amid our trials, we will also delight in him when we are delivered.
See now the benefit of the believer in love with Jesus; he will deliver his child and does not need anyone’s permission.
Praise him in private for your breakthrough but be prepared to praise him before the earth after he moves in your life.
Are YOU willing today, in this place on this day, to join with your fellow believers and praise God until his presence inhabits the temple?
Present your greatest need unto the Lord and leave it at the feet of your great Saviour.