Tagged: Warfare


The battle’s not yours

When we say God is faithful, we say he is entirely trustworthy; this is the end of the discussion, and there is no room for debate.


If it bleeds, you can kill it

All it takes is for you to injure anxiety once to be encouraged to win this mind war. Cut your anxiety with strategy, the Word, and faith in God; it will bleed, and you can kill it!


Be still and do not fear

When storms rage and your mind is under full assault, just remember God will never leave or forsake you. He always has a plan to give you victory in every situation.


Rest from war

Let us understand that many times when we are under attack on all sides from an enemy seemingly as enumerable as the sands upon the shore (Joshua 11:4), it is not a sign of our impending defeat.


Spiritual warfare

Our enemy tries to create division between Jesus and us by attempting to get us to follow through with the fleshly visions he implants into our minds.


Strong tower

We need to call on the name of the Lord when our lives experience significant turbulence and strife.


Speak life

Can I inject here that no matter what has come into your life attempting to shape your future, you are still in God’s will if you follow his lead?