Spiritual structural integrity
Even when flaws in our faith have been revealed, God is still our great foundation and will not allow us to be consumed.
Even when flaws in our faith have been revealed, God is still our great foundation and will not allow us to be consumed.
But all hope is not lost because we have a savior who delights in preserving us. Jesus wants to be an ever-present part of our lives and not just stop by and provide assistance when needed.
Give yourself the time to learn to trust God deeper and allow him to accomplish what is trivial for him but too much for you.
Let us understand that many times when we are under attack on all sides from an enemy seemingly as enumerable as the sands upon the shore (Joshua 11:4), it is not a sign of our impending defeat.
The Word of God tells us that once Christ sets us free, we are unquestionably, undeniably, and irrevocably free!
Never speak ill of the companion God has placed in your life; nothing justifies your campaign to let everyone know what they have done.
Remember that you do not need to empower yourself to stand against the attacks of Satan on your life.
THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.
Have you ever noticed that, at times, your mind will be tempted and persuaded to go down an unrighteous path of thought?
We need to call on the name of the Lord when our lives experience significant turbulence and strife.