Tagged: Maturity


Bound for greatness

You may find yourself today bound by something in your life but remember, just like the tied colt, Jesus wants to use you.


Rising above the pain

Never speak ill of the companion God has placed in your life; nothing justifies your campaign to let everyone know what they have done.


Wait upon the lord

But there does come the point when we have done all that we can and now must exercise our faith differently by waiting upon the Lord.


Speak life

Can I inject here that no matter what has come into your life attempting to shape your future, you are still in God’s will if you follow his lead?


Deeper revelation

If we desire to know the mind of God and have access to his infinite wisdom, we must be willing to make the sacrifice and investment.


Ordered steps

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” is perhaps among the most comforting scriptures.