Be still and do not fear
When storms rage and your mind is under full assault, just remember God will never leave or forsake you. He always has a plan to give you victory in every situation.
When storms rage and your mind is under full assault, just remember God will never leave or forsake you. He always has a plan to give you victory in every situation.
What happens to your faith when God turns off the lights? What happens when he holds his hands and bids you to leave the ship and walk upon the water as he did with Peter in Matthew 14:29?
The beautiful part is just as God destroyed the stronghold that Sisera held over the Israelites in their day, he continues to do for us today.
You can almost hear God saying, “You heard what the man said!” as Adam named the things God created.
If you speak to your mountain by faith and trust that Jesus will perform the works, you will see them crumble before you.
God has already been where you are headed and knows what you will need and exactly when you will need it; provision has already been made!
Even when flaws in our faith have been revealed, God is still our great foundation and will not allow us to be consumed.
But all hope is not lost because we have a savior who delights in preserving us. Jesus wants to be an ever-present part of our lives and not just stop by and provide assistance when needed.
Give yourself the time to learn to trust God deeper and allow him to accomplish what is trivial for him but too much for you.
Are you walking by faith right now, speaking life into your situation because God told you that he would make it all work out for your good?