Winning mental struggle

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: –2 Corinthians 10:3
The beginning of this chapter has Paul addressing what some people are saying about his ministry. They claim that he acts one way when he is in the presence of the saints and another way when he is absent from them. In short, they have accused Paul of operating out of his emotions and fleshly nature. It would be easy for Paul to open his mouth and respond, but instead, he uses this as an opportunity to teach a spiritual lesson.
Since we face similar situations as Paul, we want to focus on the mental attacks that Satan sends into our lives. Like the attacks on Paul, they are designed to get our minds off Christ and the ministry we have been called to. What can make these attacks particularly strategic is that when Satan himself submits the attack, there isn’t a physical person we can direct a counterattack toward. Paul knew who was speaking against him, but a fleshly response becomes even more useless when Satan is the attacker.
The scripture indicates that we walk within this fleshly body but cannot wage spiritual warfare using it. The flesh (our mind) is the battle’s location, but we would be unwise to fight that battle using worldly measures. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;” (2 Corinthians 10:4). If we are to experience victory in our lives, Christ died on the cross for us to have, we must fight using spiritual weapons. We must snatch down, rip apart, bind in chains, and annihilate every thought contrary to what God has spoken over our lives. (2 Corinthians 10:5)
Have you ever noticed that, at times, your mind will be tempted and persuaded to go down an unrighteous path of thought? What makes this even more perplexing is that if you put your thoughts on pause and investigate them, they are something you don’t want to pursue anyway. Satan will use every advantage to take control of your mind by tempting you with things you want and trying to introduce new lusts into your life that he can capitalize on. Ask God to reveal to your spirit when you are under attack and awaken you so you can fight.
You can win the mental struggle!