Spiritual waypoint

Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! Luke 12:24
A waypoint is an intermediate point in a line of travel, and it essentially allows navigating between starting and ending locations to be broken down into smaller, more manageable steps. Each waypoint may also involve a change of direction; for example, allowing difficult-to-maneuver terrain to be avoided. In this case, someone has already done reconnaissance (military observation of a region to locate an enemy or ascertain strategic features) to find the safest possible route along the entire path, allowing the best journey given the characteristics of the navigated route.
Within the context of a military operation, waypoints may also serve another critical purpose. When moving a convoy (a group of military vehicles traveling together), you will need resources to continue advancing and maintain your preparedness to wage war. Much like you must stop at a gas station or restaurant as you journey on your family vacation, large military movements require assets. Unless you stop to eat, your trip will be much less enjoyable, and if you don’t keep your tank full, the vacation will end somewhere on the interstate as you run out of fuel.
As you can imagine, just knowing that you can stop and eat on that 16-hour journey to your vacation destination will put your mind at rest. Along the same lines, knowing that you will have enough fuel to get there since you can stop at a gas station will give you great comfort in making the journey. A strong argument can be made that you can confidently embark on a trip, knowing you will have provisions every step of the way.
By way of analogy, life is in many ways likened to a family vacation or military convoy. Waypoints, by their nature, are typically associated with physical points in space, yet the waypoints of our lives tend to be from moment to moment. Sometimes the journey can be difficult, while it is relatively easy sailing at other times. Yet even during the turbulent times of your life, understand that God has already conducted reconnaissance. He has already been where you are going and provided spiritual waypoints to assist your journey. He has already sent encouragement and strength where needed, along with every other type of provision you require!