Prophetic whispers

My wife and I attended a service at our home church many years ago. We had a guest evangelist there that evening, and her attention turned toward us at a time in the service. She began to speak prophetically about the children that we did not yet have. She said that one would be a prophet and the other a king. As usual, I filed this in my mind and waited to see if it would fall to the ground or be made manifest. It would be only a few years later, and the fulfillment would begin to show itself. Our family would grow two in number, one being a son and the other a daughter. Since a female cannot become a king, our son would have to become the king and our daughter the prophet.
Then as my daughter turned four, I heard prophetic “whispers” from her. The word of the Lord is truly genuine and authentic from the mouth of children. Their flesh is not on parade and seeks not to exalt itself, and what is spoken is sometimes quite remarkable. One morning as I was taking a shower, I reflected upon those prophetic words of the guest speaker and began to think of times my daughter would speak things that confirmed her calling. Then almost as if on cue, my daughter walks into the bathroom and casually declares, “Daddy, there is magic in my mouth!” She turned and walked directly out as if she had accomplished a mission.
Another occasion is considerably more accurate but just as confirming. I am going through some physical ailments right now, including some issues with my neck. The left side, at times, can be in so much pain that it brings me to my knees where all I can do is cry out to the Lord. The muscles in my neck cause the left side of my face to tighten, and sometimes the pain moves down to my shoulder. The pain will leave quickly if I stretch those muscles out or apply heat. So on one occasion, I was having some trouble with these muscles, and my daughter came over to me and quietly looked into my eyes for a few seconds. She then placed her little hands on the left side of my face and said, “This side is sore.” Then touching the other cheek, she said, “But this side is beautiful.” She was able to discern what I was encountering with specific accuracy. These prophetic “whispers” are slowly becoming louder, more frequent, and more accurate from this little prophetess of God.
A prophetic promise was made in my life, but it took over five years to come to pass. Even as you read this, I bet you can bring to mind one or more promises the Lord has made to you. Remember that all things come in the right season, which God determines. God knows best when to release the manifestation of his promise into your life, and when it comes, it will stand out like a beacon. He is faithful concerning his promises, and true prophetic whispers will not fall to the ground. So walk by faith and not by sight as you await those whispers to become louder and louder until the voice of the Lord materializes every promise he has made you.