Holding you in the storm

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. –Deuteronomy 31:8
Every other Friday in our family is pizza night, and we enjoy it as a family unit, or as we like to say, “fam-ul-y un-it!” The kids want to put a slight pause where each hyphen appears and pronounce the final “t” with great emphasis. This is a lovely little tradition, and everyone has a great time, from the parents down. The kids like cheese on their pizza, but my wife and I get whatever we are in the mood for that night and, of course, some wings on the side. Then we all pile together in our family room in the basement, pick a movie and enjoy the family God has given us.
We tried a different pizza place to mix things up a few weeks ago, but I didn’t enjoy it. The flavor of the toppings did not blend in harmony I look for in a good pizza. No topping should be excessively dominant over the others; there should be an even flow of tastes all tied together with good sauce on a fresh crust. But this blog began the next day when my son started to throw up multiple times (not sure if the pizza caused it). The first time was upstairs, and while he made it to the toilet, the contents of his stomach did not. We cleaned up as my son rested, and he felt better until we were about to walk out the door to go shopping. He began to cry, and I could see fear gradually consuming his face as he realized his stomach was about to empty itself again, and he was not looking forward to it.
After quickly removing his coat, my son and I entered the bathroom to face his fears together. Still visibly shaken, he got down on his knees and braced himself for what was to come. Instantly I was on my knees as well, taking my son into my arms, holding him gently but also firm enough so he could feel my presence. At that moment, I leaned close to his ear and whispered, “I’m never going to leave you, bro; I got your back.” Immediately I felt the tension and fear leave him, and he could endure everything from that point. Later as we snuggled on the couch, he looked up at me and said, “You’re the best dad ever.” Yeah, that’s how we roll over here.
Can I take a moment here to remind you that no matter what you are facing, regardless of your emotional state, or even if you are sitting in a room by yourself, you are not alone? I pray that you feel the tangible presence of the Lord holding you in the storm and that you are overcome with a peace that surpasses all understanding. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6). I can almost hear Jesus whispering into your ears right now:
While on the cross at Calvary, I looked down the corridors of time, Seeing you where you are right now, In your current place and situation; on that day, with my last breath, I shouted, “Be healed by my stripes.” That day, I breathed the last breath of my life into yours!