Does God know you love him?

John 14:21 Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.
Dogs have been called “man’s best friend” for good reason. They consistently love you unconditionally and are more faithful than most people. You can walk upstairs for a few minutes, and upon your return, your dog will greet you as if they haven’t seen you in two weeks. They also seem to have this superpower that enables them to tell when you aren’t feeling well in body or spirit and then take action to comfort you. I also wonder if my dog can see into the spirit realm because he will start barking at things I can’t see. So, even if you aren’t a dog person, they are pretty unique to the rest of us, and they have some beautiful ways in which they let us know that they love us.
1. Licking—We humans will pucker up and smooch on those we love, but dogs cannot pucker. Therefore, dogs will typically lick our hands or faces to plant a kiss on us.
2. Leaning—If you have felt your dog lean its total weight against you, this is a sign of complete trust. It indicates that they see you as their protector and find comfort in you, especially when frightened. However, they will also do this during non-stressful times, and when they do, it’s the equivalent of a full-body hug, a gesture that shows how much they trust and value you.
3. Bringing you their toys—When your dog presents you with its prized possessions, it’s not just a sign of affection; it’s a joyful expression of its love for you! It may also be letting you know that it wants to play, which is another way it shows its affection.
4. Making a big sigh—Soft vocalizations, like sighs, groans, and the like, are signs of contentment in dogs. When you hear your furry buddy do that, it means they’re happy!
5. Making eye contact—You typically won’t maintain eye contact with a stranger or someone you don’t connect well with. This concept is similar to your dog; holding eye contact with you means they feel comfortable and deepens their connection.
6. Sleeping near you—Dogs are descendants of wolves and have a pack mentality. They often sleep in groups for protection and safety. When your dog sleeps near you, it considers you a part of its inner circle, a trusted pack member. This act shows affection and a sense of safety and security when close to you.
7. Showing you their belly—Nothing says “I trust you” more than your pup rolling on its back and asking for a belly rub. Since a dog’s tummy is one of its most vulnerable parts, this act puts it into a total state of submission—the ultimate signal of love and trust.
8. Getting jealous—Does your dog get jealous if you show attention to other people or pets in the house? In dog language (just like in human language), jealousy is a sign that your dog likes your attention and wants to keep all of it to itself.
Suffice it to say that it is pretty easy to determine if your dog loves you, and this isn’t even a comprehensive list. So this begs the question, “Does God know you love him?” Can you list five ways you consistently show God your love?
Do you consistently show God you unconditionally love him on par with how your dog shows you they love you?
Love, love, love this ❤️