Spiritual rail
Are you holding onto a spiritual rail in your life right now? Has Jesus bid you come to him in unfamiliar or troubled waters?
Are you holding onto a spiritual rail in your life right now? Has Jesus bid you come to him in unfamiliar or troubled waters?
Remember that you do not need to empower yourself to stand against the attacks of Satan on your life.
THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit.
Our human thoughts are limited. But God is not limited in knowledge, wisdom, foresight, understanding, or experience.
Have you ever noticed that, at times, your mind will be tempted and persuaded to go down an unrighteous path of thought?
We need to call on the name of the Lord when our lives experience significant turbulence and strife.
But there does come the point when we have done all that we can and now must exercise our faith differently by waiting upon the Lord.
Can I inject here that no matter what has come into your life attempting to shape your future, you are still in God’s will if you follow his lead?
Stop allowing the past to torment your mind because once you come to Jesus and are forgiven, the sting of history is erased.
If we desire to know the mind of God and have access to his infinite wisdom, we must be willing to make the sacrifice and investment.