Abiding in the shadow
See now the benefit of the believer in love with Jesus; he will deliver his child and does not need anyone’s permission.
See now the benefit of the believer in love with Jesus; he will deliver his child and does not need anyone’s permission.
Jesus expressed His passion for us by delivering us from sin; since we now think like him, we should have the same passion he does.
You should also be willing to walk into unfamiliar territory and perform tasks that may stretch your faith.
You may find yourself today bound by something in your life but remember, just like the tied colt, Jesus wants to use you.
Praise him in private for your breakthrough but be prepared to praise him before the earth after he moves in your life.
The Word of God tells us that once Christ sets us free, we are unquestionably, undeniably, and irrevocably free!
Are YOU willing today, in this place on this day, to join with your fellow believers and praise God until his presence inhabits the temple?
Never speak ill of the companion God has placed in your life; nothing justifies your campaign to let everyone know what they have done.
God was reaching out to this woman through the gentleness of a little child. I now understand better why the bible instructs us to be more like children.
Let us break this cycle and be thankful to God relentlessly for the great things he has done in our lives.