Author: Stephen Abshire


Chains of Worship

Hear these words, weary traveler, if you are facing hardship in your life right now stop everything and begin to worship.


Forgive Yourself

Acknowledge your transgressions and be open with God. Tell him you messed up and you need his forgiveness and restoration.


Rest From War

Let us understand that many times when we are under attack on all sides from an enemy seemingly as enumerable as the sands upon the shore (Joshua 11:4), it is not a sign of our impending defeat.


Spiritual Warfare

Our enemy tries to create division between Jesus and us by attempting to get us to follow through with the fleshly visions he implants into our minds.


You Have a Destiny

God has a purpose for your life and a destiny for you to fulfill, but satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy that plan.


Pressing Through Oppression

“That the power of Christ may rest upon me” reminds us that if we rejoice amid our trials, we will also delight in him when we are delivered.


Abiding in the Shadow

See now the benefit of the believer in love with Jesus. His great pleasure is to declare in his sovereignty that he will deliver his child, and he does not need to ask anyone’s permission.


Bound for Greatness

You may find yourself today bound by something in your life. Perhaps a physical ailment in your body or something has happened in your past that keeps you from enjoying your life as fully as Jesus wants you to.