
A little about me …

The short version of why this website was created is that I promised God. I was dealing with some issues during my life, and I happened across my own Instagram page. I would post inspirational messages on this page that hopefully would encourage someone who came across them. As it turns out, in that period of my life, I was the person who needed some encouragement. Reading over those short posts, I found that I was prophesying to myself from posts up to 8 years old. Now prophesy to me is just an authentic word from the Lord. After reading over them, I was so encouraged with faith, courage, and the will to press on that I made a promise to God. I will create a website believing that you will send people here so they can also be lifted in their current situation. So I gathered up some old posts from another site, attempted to clean them up a bit, and posted them here, so this website was born.

So what's up with the name “The Introvert Believer”? So glad that you asked, and again, I will give the short version here. Once I became saved, attending church was the obvious next step. I would largely have a pretty good time, but after many years I began to notice that I would be mentally drained by the end of service. An extrovert generally needs to be around people to recharge their emotional batteries, whereas an introvert needs time alone to accomplish the same. During church, I was exposed to loud music and a fairly festive atmosphere as I am an Apostolic. My sensory overload was high, and again while I enjoyed the services, once they were over, I was drained and would head straight to the parking lot to wait for the rest of my family so we could leave. Whenever the preacher would say, “Find five people and tell them that God is faithful,” or other similar phrases, I would cringe inside because I now had to awkwardly find those five people.

Please understand that none of this was crippling in any way, but the culmination of all the little things was too much for me. But what brought it all home for me was when CV-19 hit. The church was closed like most everything else, and I noticed that my mental health increased. While others may have struggled with “cabin fever,” I felt perfectly at home. During this time, I came across a book from Susan Cain entitled “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking.” I then realized that I AM NOT BROKEN just because I don't function like everyone else. The rest is history, and this website was born. If you are interested, the images below are from my Instagram page that started everything.